Guiding Principles

Vision Statement

As part of the Office of the Provost, Graduate Studies promotes excellent and innovative graduate and professional student experiences and the academic reputation of the University of Pittsburgh. We support quality, value and growth in academic programs across the University. We provide students from all backgrounds with the resources and support they need to excel, and we prepare students to contribute meaningfully to their communities and to the world beyond the University.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to:

  • Build and maintain exceptional academic programs and research opportunities in partnership with schools and units through assessing needs; sharing data, best practices, and national trends; offering centralized services; and developing clear and efficient policies and processes.
  • Support the growth and success of all graduate and professional students throughout their academic experiences and career pathways.
  • Advance equity, diversity, and inclusion through admissions, financial aid, mentoring, programming, and an inclusive and welcoming learning environment.
  • Contribute to the strength of the University through continuous improvement in academic climate, research, student satisfaction and outcomes, and institutional reputation.

Guiding Values

The values that guide us are:

  • Collaboration
  • Trust
  • Equity
  • Empathy
  • Clarity
  • Innovation

2022-2027 Graduate Studies Strategic Plan

  • Support continued growth of innovative and world-renowned graduate and professional academic programs and research opportunities.
  • Increase representation and success of historically underrepresented students in graduate and professional programs.
  • Provide infrastructure to support key functions of graduate administration (marketing, admissions, data collection and analysis, student appointments, PhD career support).
  • Provide holistic support for students’ well-being and success.
  • Provide graduate and professional educational opportunities that serve our city, region and state.
  • Prepare students to secure meaningful employment and contribute to communities beyond the university.
  • Increase enrollment in master’s and professional programs.